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Wednesday 14 June 2017

Canada, Replacing its Population a Case of Wilful Ignorance, Greed.

According to University of London professor Eric Kaufmann, almost seven out of 10 Vancouver residents will be “visible minorities” within two generations and 80 per cent of the Canadian population (compared to 20 per cent today) will be non-white in less than century.
Kaufmann notes that, with its continuing high immigration intake and the fact that four out of five newcomers are visible minorities, Canada is undergoing the fastest rate of ethnic change of any country in the Western world. Questions must be asked about why such drastic population replacement is taking place and who is benefiting from it.

While Canada has been helped by large-scale immigration at various times in its history, the current high intake causes more problems than benefits for our current population. Our economy grows because of the increasing population, but the average Canadian gets a smaller piece of the bigger pie. The cost is huge — with latest estimates indicating taxpayers have to underwrite recent arrivals to the tune of around $30 billion annually. Young people in large cities such as Vancouver and Toronto are being crowded out of the housing market by sky-high prices caused largely by the ceaseless flow of new arrivals, and the quality of life of most residents is negatively affected by increased traffic and commute times, along with congestion and pressure on the health care and education systems.
Despite this, those who profit from mass immigration continue to laud its benefits. Their claims are not supported by the facts, however. We are not facing looming labour shortages that we can’t meet with our existing workforce and educational infrastructure. Immigration, moreover, does not provide a realistic means of dealing with the costs associated with the aging of our population.
“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore, send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door.” (This is the inscription on the Statue of Liberty at Ellis Island. The so call United States—*of North Central, North America* has long been laughingly referred to as “the Land of equal Opportunity”.
In Canada, Joseph Philippe Pierre Yves Elliott Trudeau, PC CC CH QC FRSC was a Frenchman who managed to gain political power through the promotion of *Gay and French Special Interest groups. Through so doing he managed to *serve* as the 15th Prime Minister of Canada. He is the 3rd longest-serving Prime Minister in Canadian history, having served for 15 years, 164 days.

His son Justin Trudeau is following his father’s footsteps-exactly. Pierre wanted an all French Canada. Justin Pierre James Trudeau PC MP of course is also at least part French and a Canadian politician. He is the 23rd and current Prime Minister of Canada the leader of the Liberal Party. He does not really what race rules Canada; just so long as Canada is no longer “White” English Speaking. As he is a professed Catholic of course, he has to be OK with Asian Middle Eastern dominance and *Take Over*. IT’S also CAPITALIST Elite Directed; and WHAT GOT HIM ELECTED.

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