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Thursday 15 June 2017

As Canadians Celebrate National Aboriginal and or Canada’s 150th Birthday; Something for all Canadians to Read, Remember, and Think About:

Human, Multicultural Special Dysfunctional, Right-s. 

•             Within the next two generations there will be no recognised FIRST NATIONS IN NORTH AMERICA and VERY, VERY FEW "SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS.

Canada is celebrating 150 years of… what, exactly?
How to count the country’s age may depend on how you look at things.
The year 2017 marks 150 years since Confederation. Or rather, what we've come to call Confederation.
But, Canada is actually a federation, the term Confederation caught on in the in the 19th century and it stuck — we've named squares and bridges after it, we refer to the "Fathers of Confederation" (and the Mothers too!), and the word has come to represent the country and the events that created it. "It" being "one Dominion under the crown," a.k.a. the Dominion of Canada, as per the British North America Act of 1867 that unified the colonies (Province of Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick).
On July 1, 1867, it was just four provinces (Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick) that composed the new Dominion of Canada. The rest of the provinces and territories joined and were formed over time, Nunavut being the most recent, which officially separated from Northwest Territories in 1999. So you could say that Canada as we know it — ten provinces and three territories — is ***Really***turning 18.
Supposedly, the Constitution Act(Scam) cleaned up a bit of unfinished business from the Statute of Westminster in 1931, in which Britain granted each of the Dominions full legal autonomy if they chose to accept it. All but one Dominion — that would be us, Canada — chose to accept every resolution. Our leaders couldn't decide on how to amend the Constitution, so that power stayed with Britain until 1982.)
CANADA, Your ID says 35
In 1982, Pierre Elliot Trudeau "repatriated" the constitution, a political process that led to Canadian sovereignty, allowing Canadians to amend HIS French Constitution; for Canadians, of Canada, by xxxx, without requiring Britain's approval. This, the Constitution Act of 1982, was a landmark event and enacted our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Yes, this declaration of independence took place in the '80s, and it was in 1982 that "Dominion Day," aka July 1, was renamed in Parliament to "Canada Day."
Oh Canada, you millennial, you.
***OUR*** home on ***Native*** land?
For many Indigenous people (and non-Indigenous people, too), Canada exists on stolen land. While multiple First Nations have treaty agreements with Canada, others do not; there are unceded territories, and broken treaties too.
What I choose to celebrate on this day called 'Canada Day'
The Royal Proclamation of 1763, enshrined in our current Constitution Act, says that any land not given up by treaty belongs to First Nations, which some argue would make the occupation of most of B.C. illegal in our own laws — a position not shared by the Province of British Columbia, it should be noted.
Within two Generations Aboriginal Indigenous Groups, “Other” Special Interest Groups will no longer Exist.
On July 1, 1867, Canada became a self-governing dominion of Great Britain and a federation of four provinces: Nova Scotia; New Brunswick; Ontario; and Quebec. The anniversary of this date was called Dominion Day until 1982. Since 1983, July 1 has been officially known as Canada Day.
According to University of London professor Eric Kaufmann, almost seven out of 10 Vancouver residents will be “visible minorities” within two generations and 80 per cent of the Canadian population (compared to 20 per cent today) will be non-white in less than century.
Kaufmann notes that, with its continuing high immigration intake and the fact that four out of five newcomers are visible minorities, Canada is undergoing the fastest rate of ethnic change of any country in the Western world. Questions must be asked about why such drastic population replacement is taking place and who is benefiting from it. While Canada has in some ways been helped, I guess, by large-scale immigration at various times in its history, the current high intake causes more problems than benefits for our current population.
Pierre Eliot Trudeau’s French Canadian “Canadian” Constitution will undoubtedly be thrown out. Which means that “our” present “Human and especially ***Special Interest/Ethnic Minority—that will be White Supremacist and Aboriginal/Indigenous/ First Nation*** Rights will be thrown out as well.
**** Our economy grows because of the increasing population, but the average Canadian gets a smaller piece of the bigger pie. The cost is huge — with latest estimates indicating taxpayers have to underwrite recent arrivals to the tune of around $30 billion annually.****
In Canada, Joseph Philippe Pierre Yves Elliott Trudeau, PC CC CH QC FRSC was a Frenchman who managed to gain political power through the promotion of *Gay and French Special Interest groups. Through so doing he managed to *serve* as the 15th Prime Minister of Canada. He is the 3rd longest-serving Prime Minister in Canadian history, having served for 15 years, 164 days.
His son Justin Trudeau is following his father’s footsteps-exactly. Pierre wanted an all French Canada. Justin Pierre James Trudeau PC MP of course is also at least part French and a Canadian politician. He is the 23rd and current Prime Minister of Canada the leader of the Liberal Party. He does not really what race rules Canada; just so long as Canada is no longer “White” English Speaking. As he is a professed Catholic of course, he has to be OK with Asian Middle Eastern dominance and *Take Over*. IT’S also CAPITALIST Elite Directed; and WHAT GOT HIM ELECTED.
Of course, not every scam was pulled just by the Liberals or by the Trudeau family. Stephen Harper managed to pull his share of scamming as well. He managed to create two federal governments and with the creation of Nunavut to give away more of Canada than just our resources.
You can take a DNA test provides you with ***PROBABLE***percentages of ETHNICITY, including Native American, as well as a list of cousin matches. It just can’t tell you which line, lines, Country, or Nation the Native heritage came from.

 Within the next two generations there will be no recognised FIRST NATIONS IN NORTH AMERICA.

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