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Tuesday, 1 December 2015

I Could Care Less; That T. Boone Pickens is Claiming That Keystone XL Rejection is a Blow to United States of the Americas Energy Security.

Oh spare me...the buggers are still taking our oil for less than what it is worth by train.....DUE TO THEIR OWN GREED, they have so much oil in their refineries now they don't know what to do with it all—that is the "PROBLEM"—the deliberately manipulated CON GAME problem.
T-bone, sirloin, whatever; is a billionaire for sage reasons. He's proficient on deal making, an energy investor with unprecedented foresight; he has enough red on his neck to fight when business get dirty, (You know like the old protection-union- racket and like the Ontario Liberal back room kickbacks that excluded Mesa from bidding on renewable energy projects administered by the province. His comment is true, the Oval Office-United States of the Americas (WANTING IT FOR FREE)rejected KXL and an opportunity to PURCHASE Canadian crude, well suited to supplement Venezuelan extra heavy on the Gulf Coast, and has entrenched United States of the Americas dependency on OPEC crude produced by kings, other dictators & despots overseas. I concur that financially supporting any dictatorship increases risk to Western Security – democratic dictators, capitalist extremists don't subscribe to free enterprise, or liberty, they destroy it.
The Canadian government must Listen to Canadians; develop plans A-Z and MUST not always look to the 1% international capitalist (Filthy Rich) and/or the United States of the Americas to tell them what to do.
Rarely if ever does one see any mention now since the attack on oil began about the huge wipe out of large tracts of forest around the world that science and intelligent people know is critical to our supply of Oxygen produced and removal of “greenhouse gases”. The very gases radical capitalists, career politicians bureaucrats Governments??? talk about INSIST ON taxing us --The rich  capitalists, politicians, and supporters love their bigger and fancier homes made with parts and lumber etch from old growth and largest trees -
Why have we not at least started to build infrastructures to refine OUR very own; oil and OTHER even more valuable; resources? In addition, taking advantage of the residues; including jobs money =PROFIT.
Pipelines and refineries within Canada are a must. Sending it south is like handing the United States of the Americas free cash. Let us Keep the jobs and the money in Canada and let us stop using foreign oil. It's covered in blood
When we talk about the environment, it is always about oil and gas. What about the sewer dumped in the St Lawrence?
Canada should have a strip of land a couple of kilometres wide from Coast to Coast that is federally owned as a utility corridor that includes a pipeline, transmission line, communication equipment, highway & railway (where possible), etc. Yet BC farmers can't sell wine to the province of Ontario. Newfoundland and Labrador had to divert power transmission from Quebec land. We are like a bunch of countries within a country.
In fact, I think we have better trade agreements with other countries than we do between the provinces. We need to fix a lot; it is not all about oil and gas.

All countries/provinces would develop oil and gas if they had the resource. Why does Mr. Wall from Saskatchewan have to be the only one defending the development of resources on the international stage for Canada and for many defending our jobs? ~~Al (Alex-Alexander) D. Girvan.

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