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Tuesday, 23 June 2015

The Oldest Known Human Footprints in North America.

Tracks found in the two sites are almost identical
Previous to these two findings the oldest human prints reported in North America were only around 6,000 years old. Often in Canada and North America the history of the land is glossed over as being very recent, but if you look at the archaeology it is, NOWADAYS showing there’s a very long-term history of occupation and land use going back POSSIBLY 13,000 years—still, when compared with the rest of the world, a very, very short time.
BY THE CANADIAN PRESS JUNE 23, 2015 10:27 AM: VICTORIA —The University of Victoria, Hakai Institute and Heiltsuk and Wuikinuxv First Nations claim they first discovered the footprints in April 2014 but returned last month to confirm their find. In a dig that so far measures only about 1 metre  square; evidence of what could be the oldest footprints in North America has been discovered below the shoreline of a remote British Columbia island. Fossilized human footprints believed to be of a man, woman and child and estimated to be more than 13,000 years old were discovered at Calvert Island, which is located on B.C.’s central coast and is accessible only by boat or float plane. Remnants of an ancient camp-fire were found nearby. Archaeologist Duncan McLaren claims radiocarbon dating indicates the charcoal materials are 13,200 years old, BUT he is preparing to duplicate those tests to confirm the results.

DECEMBER 9, 2013: A hunter-gatherer who trekked through a desert oasis a hundred centuries ago left the continent’s most lasting impression: the oldest known human footprints in North America. There are only two of them — one left and one right — but the ancient traveller’s path through mineral-rich sediment in the Chihuahua Desert allowed them to become enshrined in stone, and now dated, some 10,500 years later. The tracks were first discovered during highway construction in north-eastern Mexico, about 300 kilometres from the Texas border, in 1961. They were excavated and taken to a local museum for study, but their precise location was lost to history.

Fossilized human footprints, especially footprints more than 10,000 years old are extremely rare—ANYWHERE IN THIS WORLD. Why I wonder, did they wait to announce this remarkable find UNTIL THE DAY AFTER--- INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY, NATIONAL PRIMITIVE DAY AND FATHER’S INSULT DAY?~~Al (Alex-Alexander) D Girvan.

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