Next, let me say this: I’m also paranoid of our so called
governments; they’ve lied to us so many times. As I see it, there are two
fundamental problems with Canadian Governments and politicians. The first, most
Canadians do not believe that any of these elected, civil servant
administrators represent THEIR best interests. The second- they are RIGHT.
Next to the grossly excessive human overpopulation of
the world; the greatest threats to Canadian survival are obscene
government/public service/CEO salaries. Wage theft from ordinary workers, embezzlements
of TAXPAYER OWNED funds, corporate payoffs to friendly politicians, and OUR
allowing of aristocratic, billionaire celebrity takeover of OUR supposed DEMOCRACY
Some of the many countless reasons to vote NO to Metro
Vancouver’s transit referendum and to loudly SHOUT NO
to any OTHER proposed taxation, toll, or “USER” fees; anywhere in Canada.
British Columbians voted NO to the federal government
proposed “Harmonised Sales tax. So, ALL governments immediately installed “HIDDEN”-
without taxpayer knowledge, authorisation, or acceptance- or accepted- taxation
in order to make up for “shot falls “in NEEDED revenues. As is PROVEN by the
huge deficits run up by all levels of Canadian Government-most, if not All Canadian
Politicians Could care less about consumers, taxpayers-Other Canadians , just
so long as they are padding their OWN pocket books.
Taxation needs limits. Today as in the
days of the American Revolution which brought the United States of the Americas
into being; a consensus exists that- we the hardworking Canadian citizenry, are
very much, overly taxed. Moreover, B.C. has a couple of levies unique to this
province, such as a carbon tax and MEDICAL SERVICES PREMIUMS. Vancouverites already
have much higher living costs than other Canadians. If the Mayors’ Council
listens closely; if governments/politicians, anywhere in Canada should ever care
to give even the slightest listen; they will hear a cry of “Uncle”.
Nobody-at least nobody with any degree of
thinking ability- in the region, even the if they were to hand over extra tax money,
would not choose to give it to the Provincial Government or to a council of mayors,
presiding over municipalities that have been criticised of overspending, or to
TransLink, castigated for its cavalier expenditures. Hell, even the groups
mentioned recognise that they have shown
such a remarkable degree of utter irresponsibility that they warrant a very
close audit and monitoring—by an independent financial advisory group.
Budgeting aside, FEDERAL GOVERNMENT,
a terrific record when it comes to providing ANY SERVICE-ANYWHERE. Where bus
transport is concerned. Signage reading “Sorry, Not In Service” — especially
during downpours — comes to mind. Throwing former CEO Ian Jarvis (two CEOs- TWO,
Astronomical Salaries) under the bus, in a desperate gesture weeks before the
balloting, hardly inspired any more confidence.
A Yes vote in Metro Vancouver- a YES vote
for any Money grabbing Government/Political SCAM proposed by any of our WOULD
dangerous precedent for more revenue-raising-by-referendum in future. Governments
and Politicians- even the most inept and unqualified-should at least make some
small effort to govern, standing or falling on their decisions. They Should Not
Be Putting Up A Smoke Screen And Continually Canvassing Citizens On Tax
Increases In Order To Pre-Empt Political Blowback.
Yes, with the huge deficits incurred, many
questions remain unanswered about how and why any and all Canadian Government s
spent the revenues Citizen /taxpayer funded revenues.
As for any spending associated with the
mayors’ plan for Metre Vancouver; regardless of Jim Pattison’s 11th-hour
appointment- to monitor any extortion of funds. What would happen, for example,
if annual tax revenues exceed the $250 million to be raised, would the surplus
funds be returned to taxpayers? HARDLY, government or politicians GIVING BACK
TO CITIZENS OR TAXPAYERS—YOU’VE got TO BE KIDDING. Equally important you say:
would the new tax remain once road pricing and more tolls???(even more tax) are introduced?
Obviously you have not read any of the proposed GOVERNMENT PLANS for Canada and you have also forgotten that Income tax was brought in strictly as a WAR MEASURE. Have you seen any end to it; or do you expect to--EVER>once governments find an excuse to get their hooks into OUR money, they never, ever, let go.
The cart is being put before the horse,
with the holding of a $5-million referendum before taxpayers
know whether B.C. and Ottawa are kicking in their anticipated share of required
revenues. If they refuse, the referendum will have been for
Well not really, this SMOKE SCREEN has already
enabled several other government jurisdictions to bring in
IRRESPNSIBLE BUDGETS and or other- unauthorized taxes/”User” fees and tolls, While
Cutting Back On MOST Essential Services. A higher PST will make
purchases more costly. A 12-per-cent GST/PST already severely jeopardises the
mere survival of many Canadians living in British Columbia (those living on
pensions, fixed incomes, or just earning a low wage). Any increased tax is not
a good thing for locally owned CANADIAN retailer. A small business survey
released earlier this month showed 69 per cent believe it would be bad for
business. Retailers who were “SOMEWHAT” inconvenienced when the HST was axed in
2012 would again be inconvenienced. Plus, businesses — to cover 45 per cent of
the $250 million to be raised — would pass that cost to consumers, boosting
prices and inflation even further. Remember, this tax would
hike new home prices, not a good thing for Canadians who actually live and
raise families in Vancouver. Even now many innocent families are forced to move
to The No-Man’s Land-killing zones of Surrey, Langley. Abbotsford and soon Chilliwack
Mayors in Montreal and Toronto — now planning the
same sort of transportation infrastructure spending — are not proposing to
raise taxes to do so. Here’s a recent quote from Toronto Mayor John Tory, asked
whether his city should raise taxes for transportation infrastructure: “I start
from this premise: Are people paying enough taxes? In many cases, you could
argue, they can’t afford to pay any more. We should be looking at total amounts
paid to all three levels of government and how that is being allocated.” Well
It is
infuriating to some Vancouverites that the mayors did not include in their
budgeting plans even a small amount of the needed revenue from their own (iresponsible and unjustified)current spending. Nor did they deign to give voters a realistic alternative to
the tax that they could vote for. Plan B was depicted as simple catastrophe.
Thus taxpayers, 99 per cent of whom recognize new transportation resources are
needed, lack viable options to choose from.
The Metro Vancouver referendum has not been fought FAIRLY
and of course, the YES side has definitely not been legally funded. Normally,
when such a referendum is held, the two competing sides receive the same amount
of funding to lobby. This time, the Yes side had the advantage of plentiful municipality
administrated Public/Citizen/Taxpayer-owed by all citizens of CANADA=resources,
and has already squandered away some $6 million. The No side got nothing in
that regard, spending $40,000. ©Al (Alex-Alexander) D Girvan. All rights reserved.
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