The translating of a general explanation or social chit chat/chatter into a testable hypothesis or useful information requires that we move beyond "North Americanism", texting, abbreviations,and what ever OTHER GARBAGE, is becoming the usual language of everyday communication. Many words, for instance, are commonly used and APPARENTLY understood in everyday conversation even though neither party to the communication knows exactly what the words mean.. Thus, people frequently communicate with one another without being fully aware of what they are talking about. This may sound ridiculous, but to prove my point you might try the following.
Ask a few people about their ideas on communism, democracy, socialism, or if they believe that mental illness is mostly inherited or mostly acquired. After engaging them in discussion, ask them what they mean by "communism", "democracy", socialism"mental illness", or "religion". You probably will find that most people have difficulty defining these concepts.
When someone does provide a definition, it is unlikely to be exactly the same as that given by another person. That is , these things mean one thing to one person and something else entirely to another. Yet people are frequently willing to debate these or other important issues, and even take a definite stance on the issue--sometimes with very serious consequences, without being able to say exactly what the issues are. This can be an important source of misunderstanding ( has lead to World War) and even confusion in everyday discussions. Moreover, it should be clear that to attempt to investigate a subject, we must provide an exact definition and an exact spelling on which all parties involved can agree.
Since the English language is still the most widely spoken and fully understood language on earth, in North America especially, we undoubtedly should be using the English language. But it must be the English language, and not something that has just been created to cater to the whims of one particular country, industry, or person.
Try running this list of internationally used terms through any U.S. based word processor--or look them up in Webster's dictionary.
And the Oxford Canadian Dictionary of Current ENGLISH is no better, as many of the definitions there in are: so ambiguous as to be meaningless, not English-- but in fact..US definitions , in the US language, or--even worse-- they are completely wrong, inaccurate and misleading. THIS,Oxford Dictionary, at least,is virtually useless, as a source of reference for meaning, and often spelling or pronunciation, of English words.
- BUREAUCRACY: a system of government in which most decisions are allowed to be made by unelected CIVIL SERVANTS rather than by elected government representatives.
- CAPITALISM: an economic and government system in which a country's industry, recreation, resources, policy making, and trade are controlled by wealthy (often foreign) PRIVATE OWNERS for PROFIT; rather than by the people or state. These private owners then tell the government what to do and what they want.
- COMMUNAL: belonging to a community.
- COMMUNE: a group of people who live together and share responsibilities and possessions (Amish, Doukhobor, Hutterite, Mennonite, Mormon).
- COMMUNICATE: transmit or pass information.
- COMMUNION: the common participation in a mental or spiritual experience.
- COMMUNITY: Family, all the people living in a specific locality. A group with a common concern, need, religion,wealth, welfare.
- COMMUNITY ACCESS: equal and impartial access to education, entertainment, food, health care, LIFE, housing, recreation, spirituality.
- COMMUNITY CENTRE: a family place providing social and recreational facilities for a community.
- COMMUNIST: some one who lives in a commune.
- DEMOCRACY: a form of government in which the power resides in the people and is exercised by them either directly or by means of ELECTED representatives. Democracy substitutes election by the grosly incompetent many for appointment by the corrupt few--George Bernard Shaw
- FEUDALISM: a system in which the privileged few (WEALTHY, ARISTOCRATIC, NOBILITY), held power and privilege FROM THE RULING PARTY in exchange for putting them in, and helping them maintain, power. The LOWER ORDERS OF SOCIETY were allowed to EXIST WORK and DIE, FOR THE NOBLES.
- SOCIAL:of or relating to society. Concerned with the mutual relations and welfare of the human community.
- SOCIAL ASSISTANCE/SOCIAL SECURITY: help to enable other communists to survive.
- SOCIAL CONSCIENCE: a sense of community, family and responsibility for the problems and injustices of government and society.
- SOCIAL CONTRACT: unspoken understanding among the members of a community or society that co-operation produces communal/social benefits.
- SOCIAL EDUCATION: the pubic education system.
- SOCIAL HOUSING: Publicly accessible, affordable housing for people in need.
- SOCIAL HEALTH CARE: our present Health care system.
- SOCIALISM: a community and family orientated, economic theory which advocates that the community, country, family, society, the PEOPLE as a whole, and not foreign, or private, capitalists, should own and control the economy, resources and industries of a country.
- SOCIALIST: some who lives in and is a member of the community, their family, and the whole of society.
Greed,High Wages, Trade Unions,
not a High Dollar,
not a High Dollar,
Lead to Inflation, Economic Depression,
Recession, and Disaster
I just watched the most honest, realistic, and thought provoking movie ever. The movie--State of the Union, with Katherine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy, 1948-- is undoubtedly one of the best ever produced anywhere, especially in Hollywood.
In the movie, Spencer Tracy is quoted "High wages mean higher prices. High prices today mean recession tomorrow. Recession tomorrow leads to depression. The truly wealthy nation is the one with the highest currency value, the highest production, and the lowest hourly wage. That country is China. Because of excessive exploitation, excessive flamboyance, excessive greed, excessive inflation, EXCESSIVE EXCESSIVE, the "American dream has failed and the United
In the movie, Spencer Tracy is quoted "High wages mean higher prices. High prices today mean recession tomorrow. Recession tomorrow leads to depression. The truly wealthy nation is the one with the highest currency value, the highest production, and the lowest hourly wage. That country is China. Because of excessive exploitation, excessive flamboyance, excessive greed, excessive inflation, EXCESSIVE EXCESSIVE, the "American dream has failed and the United
States is a dying nation".
A strong dollar has never hurt anyone or any economy and-- especially NOT EXPORTERS. But, the advantages of such MUST be carried through with; and used to advantage. On the other hand, high inflation and utter stupidity has and does.
High inflation and utter stupidity hurt everyone and everything. If our dollar is not worth any thing--then neither are the products we produce for what ever price nor are the wages we earn. A million, a billion, a trillion times nothing still amounts to nothing. Still, we keep demanding higher and higher wages, creating higher and higher inflation.
On the other hand, with a strong dollar, the costs of producing expert items goes down--after all all exporters are also importers--fuel, raw materials, power--with a strong dollar all of these these items SHOULD cost less. Should, that is, if the strong dollar is actually recognized by countries such as the USA. One should always remember--many "Canadian" corporations are USA owned and controlled.
According to all logic, with a high Canadian dollar, we are able to sell a product for what it is actually worth (still get the same dollar value) and that other countries and people can afford to pay. Because the revenue coming in has more purchasing power, the actual value will be higher or at the very least remain the same. Above all, we do not have to resort to deception and fraud, in order to justify a grossly inflated price.
Greed will be reduced--hopefully.
Wages can be much lower, because the dollar buys more. Lower wages again mean lower production costs. Again, therefore, we can sell our products at a lower price and still have the same profit value. I repeat, at the lower price-(which only a strong dollar will allow), more countries will be able to buy or products, instead of being forced to go off shore or to foreign countries. Total profit will therefore go up. Remember, large numbers may look very good to an accountant or to an economist but, if our dollar is worth nothing than neither are the large numbers.
What this country really needs, desperately, is a levelling off and equalization of wages; so that the construction worker, farmer, fisherman, service worker can enjoy the same health, security, and number of privileges as the sports "celebrity", entertainer and POLITICIAN. It has been quoted that politic is the only profession in which stupidity is considered an asset but with million dollar pensions after eight years, politicians can not be that stupid--not as much as they seem. But, if they are not, why at a time when the whole world is becoming more and more concerned about social issues, would the NDP; even briefly, consider removing the word "Socialist" from their constitution. Are they really that out of touch with the concerns, needs, and wants of Canadians? Just walk into any appliance, clothing, computer, communications store; where was most--almost all--of the merchandise manufactured--in what countries?
But then, the U.S. of A. is just a very small part of something much much larger.
The global community.
But then, the U.S. of A. is just a very small part of something much much larger.
The global community.
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