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Monday, 2 April 2018

The Effects of the “True” American Dream; Which is, of Course, Total Global Dictatorship, Global Fascism=American Exceptionalism/White Supremacy

American exceptionalism is also the concept that America (wherever in HELL that is) has a purpose on this OUR earth that is set apart from other nations. This concept has been around since the mid-1800’s and is the accepted norm of today’s Canadian and United States society. The danger lies in the fact that through the guise of exceptionalism we have masked the true Dictatorial Identities of Fanatical Fascist imperialism, supremacy, and racism.

The people who ascribe to this ideology have tricked themselves into believing that they hold no racial bias. They do not believe that they are superior to another based on their race but rather based on their country of origin. This logic is somehow more acceptable. If one were to change the words “American Exceptionalism” to “American Supremacy” would the same concept still hold true? Would people still be fooled into believing that they are not biased against another race?
The reason that this is so important is that this concept can lead us into a state of apathy towards injustices committed by our own government. The United States kills civilians and non-combatants every day in Afghanistan and around the world. American exceptionalism has allowed people who care genuinely about protecting life the option to not care about these lives because they do not live on the same land mass that they do. Recently the U.S. attacked a town on the border of Afghanistan. This air strike killed 11 children and is alleged to have killed two Taliban operatives.
Let us Not Forget the twit-HITLER Trump-ettes Mother Fxxxer of all BOOMS.

Due to American exceptionalism, the citizenry of the U.S. has been led to believe that this is a fair trade. They have been led to believe that innocent children are just collateral damage. In many ways,. It is an idea that whitewashes the minds of millions of people into believing that we must protect the lives of our children by killing other children.
the modern American citizen has been told that these children do not exist. Many people do not want to hear about this **News** or to delve into the details of the most recent wars that shows this sort of operation happens far too often.

Al (Alex-Alexander)D. Girvan.

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