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Sunday, 21 June 2015

Canadian Governments/Politicians,They are NOT THERE for YOU.

In 2006, Stephen Harper and HIS Conservative Party cut funding to The Court Challenges Program.  This program gave various groups and individuals the financial ability to challenge federal legislation, including cases related to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.  It provided a sort of direct action 'CHECK' to the exercise of federal legislative power.  The Court Challenge program was being used fairly successfully to challenge laws that discriminated.
01/25/2015- headlined "Death by a Thousand Cuts: Military veterans are incensed over the closure of Veterans Affairs offices and lapsed funding, First Nations have learned that funding for critically needed infrastructure has been diverted, transportation safety budgets have been slashed, Coast Guard stations have been closed and services across government — from national parks to access to information — are being squeezed.
Apr 17 2013-Health Ministers from across Canada were recently told by the Harper government that it will stop funding the Health Council of Canada and wants it “wound down” in order to save $6 million. The Health Council of Canada was formed in 2003, following the Romanow Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada, to provide accountability, oversight, planning and national coordination for our health care system. Its achievements to date include lowering wait times and encouraging innovation in the public health care system to ensure access to a continuum of services, in and out of hospital.
The federal role is to facilitate national approaches to health system issues and promote the pan-Canadian adoption of best practices and innovation. This is the glue that holds Medicare together and keeps it responsive to the evolving needs of the Canadian people. Provinces and territories cannot perform this role. The vacuum in federal leadership will fragment the health care system into 14 separate systems operating independently from each other. This fragmentation undermines the core principles of the Canada Health Act, especially comprehensive coverage and portability between provinces and territories.
Lack of federal coordination and guardianship means that more and more Canadians will lack access to comparable health services in primary care, prescription drugs, home care, rehabilitation and longer-term care.
In 2008, the program was 'reinstated'. Except, now it is the Program to Support LINGUISTIC RIGHTS.  As in, it can no longer be used to support all the rights guaranteed in the Charter...ONLY LINGUISTIC RIGHTS.
Since the people accessing the Court Challenges Program Had to Be Members of a Disadvantaged Class Who Were Personally Impacted by the Legislation In Question, the cutting of funding has DIRECTLY REDUCED THE POLITICAL POWER OF THOSE WHO ARE ALREADY MARGINALISED IN OUR SOCIETY.
In an effort to make Canada French “Bilingual Today-French Tomorrow” bilingualism GODFATHER (as in organised crime) Pierre Idiot Trudeau (MP Justin Trudeau's dad) forced a SECOND OFFICIAL LANGUAGE and bilingualism on Canadians-we are still paying the COST of that and much of his other inalienable entitlement STUPIDITY.

The same type of DICTORIAL, GREEDY, STUDIDITY exists among all politicians, in ALL provinces and in ALL levels of GOVERNMENT. ~~Al (Alex-Alexander) D. Girvan

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