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Friday, 8 May 2015

Cap•i•tal•ism, Com•mon•wealth, Com•mune, De•moc•ra•cy, Gov•ern, So•cial•ism, Un•ion

Definition of Democracy:
·         The Practice or Principles of Social Equality
·         Government by the People
·         Self-government
·         Re-Public
·         Common-Wealth
·         Representative government
·         Administrative control of an organization or group by the MAJORITY of its members.
·         A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected administrative representatives.
Antonym: Dictatorship
Definition of Capitalism:
·         An economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by PRIVATE INDIVIDUALS or CORPORATIONS, Especially as Contrasted to Cooperatively Or Publically-Owned Means of Wealth.
·         An economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by citizens, taxpayers--the People.
Definition of Commonwealth:
·         An international association consisting of the UK together with states that were previously part of the British Empire, and dependencies. The British monarch is the symbolic head of the Commonwealth.
·         An independent country or community, especially a democratic republic.
·         A self-governing unit voluntarily grouped.
·         An aggregate or grouping of countries or other bodies.
·         A community or organization of shared interests in a non-political field.

Definition of Commune:
·         A group of people living together and sharing possessions and RESPONSIBILITIES.
·         The smallest French territorial division for administrative purposes.
Definition of Govern:
·         Administrate and conduct the policy, actions, and affairs of (a people, a state, or organization,).
Stephen Harper like most politicians is completely incapable of governing this country.
Definition of Socialism:
·         A political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the Citizens, Community, Country, People As A WHOLE.
Definition of Union:
·         An organized association of workers formed to protect and further their rights and interests; a labour union. The action or fact of joining or being joined, especially in a political context.

The United States of the Americas is a union but the area has never really become a country. ~~Al (Alex-Alexander) D. Girvan.  

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