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Tuesday, 7 April 2015

It's NOT Right, it's a Serious, Serious, Problem, not Only for Alberta, and British Columbia, for all Canada.

They are Still Asking for More, but Governments/Politicians Are Already Scam Grabbing Cash, From ICBC, BC Hydro Crown Corporations CITIZEN/TAXPAYERS, as They Raise Rates.
Budget already predicts Crown corporations WILL send $8.9 billion to Victoria in the next three years.
VICTORIA — The Liberal government is grabbing/scamming more than $1.7 billion in revenue from the Insurance Corp. of B.C. and BC Hydro over the next three years, on the heels of rate hikes at both Publically Owned Government Administrated “Crown”??? Corporations. Tuesday’s 2014-15 provincial budget predicted $8.9 billion in net income by 2016-17 from Crown corporations to help the Liberal government balance its Administrative books. That includes $1.23 billion in dividends from BC Hydro over the next three fiscal years, and $480 million of “excess optional capital” from ICBC during the same period.
The Opposition New Democrats criticized the Liberals Wednesday-the usual one equally irresponsible political party criticising another irresponsible political party (Jenny Kwong, Portland scandal)for taking money from cash-strapped Crown Administrated corporations, which in turn raised the rates for the TRUE OWNERS, the taxpayers of Canada and British Columbia..
Tuesday’s 2014-15 provincial budget predicted $8.9 billion in net income by 2016-17 from these Crown corporations to help the Liberal government balance its Administrative Books. That includes $1.23 billion in dividends from BC Hydro over the next three fiscal years, and $480 million of “excess optional capital” from ICBC during the same period
BC Hydro: Rates increased by six per cent, starting April 1. This came after a nine per cent increase on April 1, 2014-ONE YEAR AGO.
This year’s increase IS part of Hydro’s 10-year plan, which began rolling out last year. The rate increase falls on top of other rising expenses faced by school districts, such as Medical Services Plan premiums, which are not covered by a corresponding increase in provincial funding. At the same time, the province’s 60 school districts have been directed to find $54 million in administrative-You Know, Government Cabinet Ministers are an Example of Administrators; administrators never known to do their jobs- savings over the next two years.
Hydro rate increase puts B.C. schools in tighter bind — NDP. Adrian Dix said Monday that B.C. Hydro’s most recent rate increase of six per cent, which came into effect April 1, Will This Year Cost the Provincial Government and B.C.’S School Boards-British Columbia’s Citizens/Parents/ Taxpayers An Estimated $6.9 Million. But, do not forget; he is a Canadian politician. Like any other Canadian politician; he is wanting to get elected to government and thereby have a FREE RIDE for the rest of his life.

BC Ferries: Fees will increase on BC Ferries for vehicles and passengers starting April 1. Fares will go up 2.9 per cent on most routes. The fee increase was 3.9 per cent, but BC Ferries also announced a fuel rebate of one per cent. On the northern routes, between Port Hardy and Prince Rupert and Prince Rupert and Haida Gwaii, fares will go up two per cent. On March 18, the commissioner of BC Ferries proposed fare increases capped at 1.9 per cent per year over four years — from April 2016 to March 2020.
BC Ferries: Fees will increase on BC Ferries for vehicles and passengers starting April 1. Fares will go up 2.9 per cent on most routes. The fee increase was 3.9 per cent, but BC Ferries also announced a fuel rebate of one per cent. On the northern routes, between Port Hardy and Prince Rupert and Prince Rupert and Haida Gwaii, fares will go up two per cent.
On March 18, the commissioner of BC Ferries proposed fare increases capped at 1.9 per cent per year over four years — from April 2016 to March 2020.

ICBC raised basic insurance rates by 4.9 per cent in November of last year, adding hundreds of dollars to the annual bills of most British Columbians. In 2012, the government had let ICBC keep the “excess optional capital”profit earned from selling optional insurance. That let ICBC hold rates stable for basic, required insurance.
The government’s new budget calls for $2.9 billion in net income next fiscal year from Crown corporations, to help achieve a $184-million provincial surplus.
Two of those corporations — the B.C. Lottery Corporation and the B.C. Liquor Distribution Branch — warned in their annual service plans Tuesday that their profit targets are at risk because of the soft economy and a drop in disposable income of people who want to gamble and to drink.
The liquor branch is forecast to send $862.1 million in profits to government in 2014-15, and $2.6 billion in the next three years.
The lottery corporation is to ship $1.2 billion to government in 2014-15, around $250 million of which is used for grants to non-profit and charity organizations.
However, people are finding their disposable income squeezed because the government continues to hike fees, such as Medical Service Plan premiums. Medicare premiums were hiked by four per cent, effective January 2015and premiums have risen 92 per cent since 2001, adding $33.24 a month to a single person’s rate, which is now $69.25 monthly, according to the Ministry of Health.

Just shows the Extent CANADIAN Political Greed and OUR GOVERNMENTS??? lack of forethought and planning—of caring for anything or anyone but THEMSELVES.©Al (Alex-Alexander) D. Girvan. All rights reserved.

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