I just made a purchase at a retail store in Vancouver British Columbia. The sales receipt is very confusing, to say the least. The sub total for my purchases came to$87.94. To the sub total was added $8.39 H.S.T.--not 12% and not10% but $8.39. then there was also added $0.90 L.S.T. WHAT EVER the official name--it is a way for the government to take back;at a municipal level, what they appear to be giving back at a provincial level. Of course, no mention of any such tax being implemented can be found on any of the government tax sites.
So the government still"CLAIMS" that they are reducing the H.S.T.
They are spending huge sums of money-- issuing rebates.
Rebates of what was the taxpayers money to begin with.
If the government does not NEED the tax money and can afford to give rebates, what possible reason (not excuse--there are always an over abundance of those) could they possibly claim for imposing that tax in the first place?
They claim that they have "listened to Canadians"and that the H.S.T. should now be acceptable to ALL Canadians.
On what basis?
It is a tax which obviously-- is not needed. And, what about the employment tax; I am not talking about Income Tax but I am talking about the premium that we pay for "Employment Insurance".
The government always claims that less than 10% of Canadians are unemployed. That means that 90% of Canadians never collect "Employment Insurance". How does it insure employment anyway? I wish someone would explain that to me.
For the Canadians who never collect employment insurance, the Premiums are a TAX, a tax imposed on the RIGHT-- to seek-- and keep--gainful employment.
What is happening to the rest of the money--money that the government should be collecting interest on --unless that money is also being used for other than the intended purpose--like completely unnecessary "political" travel.
There is very little government activity--including the "photo ops" that could not be much more effectively and efficiently carried out over the internet.
Of course the government also fails to mention the illegal taxes that are being imposed by bureaucracies that have never been given authorization by the voting public to do so.
They down-play proposals like"Surrey Mayor Dianne Watts touts gas tax"--which would introduce still further taxes-- on an already grossly over taxed nation. And, as I mentioned at the beginning of this posting, there is no mention or explanation of the L.S.T. that is presently being charged by Vancouver retail outlets.
I really, truly, believe Canadians deserve at least a little honesty from our so called "government; and that it high time that all politicians be held accountable for their irresponsible, stupid actions. Their over spending on pet projects that are of benefit only to themselves, their solid gold salaries, pension plans, and other perks. One very good method that could be used to reduce inflation (and that would benefit) ALL Canadians would be the implementation of a law stating that politicians should be paid only as much as they are actually worth--not what THEY think they are worth.

This blog is dedicated in tribute to our ancestors and future heirs. In many instances, it was our parents, grandparents, great-grand parents, great-great-grandparents who had the vision to build Canada and keep it Canadian. I have great respect for heritage and tradition. Were it not for our ancestral heritage, we would not exist. Our heirs enable us to live on into the future. I do believe however, that it is time we all accept the fact that born in Canada, we are all equally Canadian.
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