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Friday 19 January 2018

What is Leninism and how Does it Differ From Marxism?

Originally and for a long time, the concept of a socialist society was regarded as equal to that of a communist society.
 It was Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, better known by the alias Lenin who defined the difference between "socialism" and "communism", explaining that they are similar to what Marx described with the lower and upper stages of communist society as defined by Marx and the Communist Manifesto.
Leninism is actually a form of Fascism as formulated by Vladimir Lenin. It advocates for the use of a “vanguard Political Party” supposedly to establish a “workers’ state” which will (in theory) establish the conditions for socialism, at which point the state will (Marist theory) dissolve itself to create a perfect communist society. However, Leninism is heavily influenced by Blanquism a non-Marxism form of Fascism which Marx very strongly opposed. [Blanquism: In Right Wing-Fascist discourse, Blanquism refers to a conception of revolution generally attributed to Louis Auguste Blanqui which holds that revolution should be carried out by a relatively small group of highly organised and secretive conspirators. Having seized power, the revolutionaries would then use the power of the state to introduce the Fascist State, Blanqui did not believe in the predominant role of the working class.
Classical Marxism, on the other hand, advocates for the direct action of the workers (SELF-ORGANIZED, NOT WITH A VANGUARD PARTY). Marx would not have supported the Soviet Union and Red China; North Korea or Cuba; rather, Marx used the Paris Commune as his example of a prototype Socialist/Communist society.
Pros and Cons of Marxism
Here Are the Pros of Marxism
1. It creates a system of true equality.
Although the system of government is what would be considered communism, there is an emphasis placed on human rights. Marxism has equal gender roles, education access, and health care as part of its foundation.
2. It protects the rights of unions.
Instead of being exploited by their managers, Marxism encourages the formation of unions to stand up for personal rights. This creates a system of checks and balances so that a maximum level of production can be achieved.
3. There are opportunities for entrepreneurs.
If you are in the business world under Marxism, you would -there was no Government party. You were given equal opportunity to be an entrepreneur, a freelancer, or be able to open your own dinner.
4, Debt is a rarity.
5. Under Marxism, communities are working together in order to achieve their success. Farmer's farm. Doctors heal. Manufacturers created needed goods. Everyone comes together to provide for each other with the government distributing resources as needed. It abolishes religion.
Here Are the Cons of Marxism

1. You are free to have your own faith in Marxism, but you are not free to practice it in an organized way. Religion ultimately places one group of people in a superior role over others and this goes against the ideas of equality that Marx had.

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